What is the minimum order?
Our minimum for custom orders is 1,000 units. For just an imprint or foiling to an existing Bible, there is no minimum.
What is the minimum order?
Our minimum for custom orders is 1,000 units. For just an imprint or foiling to an existing Bible, there is no minimum.
How do I get started?
Contact us and we’ll you through the steps of picking which Bible and the customization. Quotes typically take about 1-2 weeks. From there, we will send design guidelines and a template.
How long is the process?
Once we receive the design files, it typically takes about a month to prepare the files for the printer. From there, domestic printings have about a 8 week turnaround time, and international printings have about a 6 month turnaround time.
Do I have to provide the design?
Our talented group of designers can work with you to create the design for a minimal charge.