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You’re Cordially Invited to The Choosing: Rachelle Dekker’s Debut Novel is Available NOW.

Hey there, readers! We’re so excited to announce that the wait is over. The Choosing by debut author Rachelle Dekker, daughter of bestselling novelist Ted Dekker, is officially in stores and online!

The Choosing is a very special novel with an important message. We’ll let Rachelle explain it to …

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Did you know . . . today is the National Day of Prayer?

Today—Thursday, May 7—is the National Day of Prayer in the United States. People all across the country are dropping to their knees and remembering to spend some solitary time conversing with the Lord.

There are countless reasons to pray: out of joy, thankfulness, sorrow, when searching for answers—and in times …

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April #Shelfie + #BookGiveaway!

Hey there, readers! For those unfamiliar with this blog, a #shelfie is a photo of what’s hitting our bookshelves right now. Often they include novels that have just come fresh from the printer and will be released in a few months. We always love seeing reader #shelfies, so don’t be …

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#BookGiveaway: Francine Rivers Bridge to Haven

Good news, Francine Rivers fans! With the softcover of Bridge to Haven available at your favorite store, we have decided to celebrate with a fun GIVEAWAY (US only).

Winners will be transported to 1950s Hollywood with Abra Matthews, as the grand prize includes:

  • Softcover copy of Bridge to Haven
  • Abra-inspired
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    #BookGiveaway: By Your Side by Candace Calvert

    Hey there, readers! Today on the blog, we’re very excited to offer a giveaway. If you love romance, this one is for you!

    500 dollars in prizes! You could be a WINNER!
    Including . . .

  • 20 copies of By Your Side 
  • 10 (Charming Charlie) “Hope” bracelets
  • $10 Starbucks gift
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    #Crazy4Fiction Updates: On Your Bookshelf this April

    Hey there, readers! We wanted to alert you to a few fun promotions that will be on the blog this month and give you a peek at some great books hitting shelves in a matter of weeks.

    Candace Calvert, known for her medical “hope operas” and eye-catching covers, has …

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