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Making Amends: Things to Ponder from Francine Rivers

As we begin final preparations for Thanksgiving next week, we must also prepare to see loved ones from near and far. Often times, this task comes with baggage; whether as a result of past hurts, miscommunication, or, contrasting personalities, stresses can run high around the holidays as we each try

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Francine Rivers: A Letter to Veterans

New York Times best-selling author Francine Rivers has published numerous novels–all best sellers–and she has continued to win both industry acclaim and reader loyalty around the globe. Today we welcome her to blog to talk about a holiday that is often overlooked.


One day a year is dedicated to …

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#Crazy4Fiction is Celebrating #NaNoWriMo with ‪#‎writingtipWednesday‬!

Hey there, readers! Have you ever heard of National Novel Writing Month (commonly called NaNoWriMo)? Writers, both new, published, and in-between all try to write an entire novel is just ONE MONTH every November.

To support their efforts, there will be new writing tips from #Crazy4Fiction authors on our Facebook

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Global warming or God? – Guest Post by Francine Rivers

Morning, readers! We’re very lucky to have Francine Rivers back on the blog today! It’s always such a pleasure to have Francine share her heart with us through her beautiful stories.

I’m in BSF again this year, and we’re studying Revelation. It is all about Jesus. Sovereign God, King of …

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Deadlock, by DiAnn Mills, Prize-packed #BookGiveaway!

Today on the blog we’re excited to let you know about this amazing Deadlock Giveaway!

Join in the fun! Enter for a chance to win some amazing prizes from DiAnn Mills.

Expect an adventure!

You could be a WINNER!

Prizes include:

  • Tex-Mex gift basket, FBI T-Shirt and cap
  • DiAnn
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    Author Francine Rivers on the Dangers of Distracted Living

    Today on the blog we’re very excited to have bestselling novelist Francine Rivers as a guest. In this crazy, hectic world, we all struggle with distracts. Here is how Francine deals with this very noisy world . . . 

    Everywhere I go lately, I see people staring at devices, tapping …

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