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Possibilities List for 2016— New Year Thoughts from Francine Rivers

A guest post by Francine Rivers

After the excitement and joy of Christmas, I begin to ponder the coming year—and my possibilities list. A wise friend once told me “resolutions” has a legalistic sound to it, a “must do” that puts stress on one to achieve everything put down on …

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Ringing in the New Year—Questions that Form Story by Francine Rivers

Happy New Year’s Eve, readers! As we look forward to a promising new year and all the blessings that are to come, it is important to reflect on all that God has done for us as 2015 draws to a close. Sometimes, it is easy to follow His path but

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A Favorite Christmas Memory by Francine Rivers

Morning, Crazy4Fiction friends! With the holidays upon us, we are reflecting on what this time means and some precious moments that make this time so special. Francine Rivers is on the blog today sharing one of her most prized memories from this special time.


A friend asked me what

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Holiday Cookie Recipe by Francine Rivers

I don’t know about you, but I LOVE hearing new holiday recipe. Today, author Francine Rivers is sharing her favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe with us!


I’ve made — and eaten — all kinds of cookies over the years, but my personal favorites, as many of you may already

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Christmas Mail and Friendship: Thoughts on Holiday Correspondence by Francine Rivers

The Christmas season is often synonymous with checking in with friends, both old and new. Below, New York Times bestselling author Francine Rivers shares her thoughts on one of her favorite holiday traditions.

I have all kinds of reasons why I love the Christmas season, the most important of which

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Thanksgiving Preparations: Thoughts on Comfort Food by Francine Rivers

Happy Monday, readers! During this season of thankfulness, we thought it might be fun to share some fun comfort food recipes from novelist Francine Rivers as well as some of my favorites. Share your favorite holiday treats in the comments below!


Certain foods bring back wonderful family memories of …

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