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Author Valentine’s Favorites: Courtney Walsh

We are obsessed with all the romance Courtney Walsh writes! Now get a sneak peek into the romance in her personal life!

  1. What is your favorite literary romance, and what makes it your favorite?
    Pride and Prejudice. Because Mr. Darcy is sooo swoony and Elizabeth Bennett is so stubborn.
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Author Valentine’s Favorites: Candace Calvert + GIVEAWAY

From memories to books, hear from author Candace Calvert as she discusses some of her Valentine’s favorites! Heartwarming and delightful!

  1. What is your favorite literary romance, and what makes it your favorite?

I’ll stray a bit from the standard and choose Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables (series), for …

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#Crazy4Fiction Valentine’s Countdown: Day 3 with Editorial

Our #Crazy4Fiction editorial team does wonders! Read on to hear from our Senior Editor, Sarah Rische, and Editor, Caleb Sjogren. Even White Castle made it to one of their Valentine’s Favorites list!


1. If you have one, what is your favorite literary romance, and what makes it your favorite?

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#Crazy4Fiction Valentine’s Countdown: Day 2 with Cheryl Kerwin

Today marks day 2 of our countdown! Today, we are excited to have our Senior Marketing Manager, Cheryl Kerwin, share some of her fun Valentine’s favorites!

  1. What is your favorite literary romance, and what makes it your favorite?

I struggled a bit with this one. Do I go with a

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#Crazy4Fiction Valentine’s Day Countdown: Day 1 with Karen Watson

Hello, sweet #Crazy4Fiction readers!

Our Valentine’s Day countdown officially begins today, and we’re kicking it off with our Associate Publisher, Karen Watson! We always love Karen’s sweet sense of humor! Read on as Karen shares some of her Valentine’s favorites.

1. If you have one, what is your favorite literary

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Coming Soon from Crazy4Fiction!

Morning, readers! We have some veeeeery exciting things coming in January including giveaways, new releases, and a special new book club!

New Releases:

Sneak Peek of Upcoming Book Giveaways:

For the most up-to-date information , visit us on Facebook. Hope you had a lovely holiday season and cannot wait

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