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When Fact and Fiction Merge: Author Melanie Dobson’s Call to Encourage and Support Refugees

Today on the blog we are talking about the intersection of fact and fiction. It’s always amazing how real-life themes can run through a novel. When Melanie Dobson penned Catching the Wind, she hoped that this WWII story would cause people to stop, think, and discuss the very real …

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Join us—June Book Release Prayers

Morning, #Crazy4Fiction readers! As we do on the last Sunday of every month, let’s give thanks and praise for the books that are releasing this June.

 The true power of fiction is evident in inspirational novels, and we are continually pleased—and blessed—by the stories of people who are impacted by

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#Crazy4Fiction May New Releases + #BookGiveaway

Afternoon, readers!

As we do each month, we are pleased to present you the Crazy4Fiction titles hitting shelves this month (plus an opportunity to WIN these must-reads!).

Catching the Wind by Melanie Dobson

What happened to Brigitte Berthold?

That question has haunted Daniel Knight since he was thirteen, when he …

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Join us—May Book Release Prayers

Morning, #Crazy4Fiction readers! As we do on the last Sunday of every month, let’s give thanks and praise for the books that are releasing this May, and lift up their authors as well. The true power of fiction is evident in inspirational novels, and we are continually pleased—and blessed—by the

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The One True Love of Alice-Ann Dream Cottage Pinterest Contest—build to win!

“Nancy slipped a cupped hand under Alice-Ann’s elbow and squeezed. ‘Then answer me this, Miss Branch. How could a young woman with so much compassion for a house not have as much for a man who’s been injured in the war?’”

Build on something beautiful:
In Eva Marie Everson’s newest …

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Join us—April Book Release Prayers

Afternoon, #Crazy4Fiction readers! As we do on the last Sunday of every month, let’s give thanks and praise for the books that are releasing this April, and lift up their authors as well. The true power of fiction is evident in each of these inspirational novels, and we are continually

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