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Quiz: Which Historical Novel Will Transport You Back in Time this Winter?

Have you ever wished you could step back in time and experience another era just for a little while? A historical novel can be a fun way to take a virtual journey to a different time and place in the pages of a story. Which historical novel might be a …

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Behind the Book: Cathy Gohlke on her new novel Night Bird Calling

Night Bird Calling by Cathy Gohlke tells the story of Lilliana Swope who flees her abusive husband for the home of her great-aunt in No Creek, North Carolina, With war brewing for the nation and for her newfound community, Lilliana must overcome a hard truth voiced by her young friend

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Crazy4Fiction Christmas Cheer: Heidi Chiavaroli’s 5 Favorite Family Fun Christmas Activities

Award winning novelist Heidi Chiavaroli writes women’s fiction, combining her love of history and literature to write time-slip stories. In The Orchard House, her upcoming new release, family is a central focus of the story. Christmas can be a great time to create new family memories. Heidi shared a

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Crazy4Fiction Christmas Cheer: Tara Johnson’s 5 Favorite Christmas Songs

Historical romance novelist Tara Johnson’s upcoming novel All Through the Night features a Cadence Piper, a young heroine whose gift of music inspires wounded soldiers during the dark days of the Civil War. A musician and singer herself, Tara shared a list of her own favorite Christmas hymns and carols.

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A Favorite Christmas Memory: Francine Rivers shares one of hers

Francine Rivers, New York Times bestselling author of The Masterpiece, shared about a favorite Christmas memory. Get a glimpse into a moment from the author’s life by reading the story below that she shared. 

A friend asked me what my most memorable Christmas was. That’s easy.  Rick and I …

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5 Books to Gift the Thrill Seeker in Your Life

Do you know someone who is always searching for the next adventure, loves the unexpected, and enjoys a good mystery or thriller show? If you’re on the hunt for the perfect gift for them, give them the gift of a novel that will take them on a suspense-filled adventure. Here …

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