Beautiful Worship
by Amanda H., Bible Journaler I love to Bible journal. I find myself these days spending any spare time I have, sitting at my table thirsting for time in his word. Ever since I discovered Bible journaling, I have a hunger for God’s word like I have never had before. I am so thankful for […]
14 Reasons We Heart Bible Journaling
We could go on forever about how much we love creative Bible journaling. It’s so much more than coloring or drawing or expressing our faith—it’s worship! It’s our personal response on the page to what God is doing in our hearts. As you may know, Bible journaling has become a deeply treasured devotional practice for […]
The Accidental Bible
How the Christian Basics Bible came about By Mike Beaumont, editor of the Christian Basics Bible Penicillin, saccharine, Coca-Cola, the microwave oven and the pacemaker…all have one thing in common: they all came about by accident, discovered when someone found something that they weren’t originally looking for. And that’s how the Christian Basics Bible came about. […]
The Transformational Simplicity of the Whole Bible in One Year
What are some first impressions of the Bible? It’s a big book. It seems overwhelming. It’s filled with people and places that seem different than us and our surroundings. If we take a closer look and actually get into its pages, we discover it’s extremely personal, and the people and places actually look a lot […]
Was Mary, Jesus’ Mother, Ever Afraid?
We often think of Mary, Jesus’ mother, as the beautiful young woman who the angel visited to share of the coming of Christ. And that the Messiah would come into the world through her. We know Mary sang out in praise to God, but that wasn’t the end of her story. Read more about Mary’s […]
When the Fears Don’t Go Away
“The disciples went and woke him up, shouting, “’Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!’” Matthew 8:25, NLT “Although the disciples had witnessed many miracles, they panicked in this storm. As experienced sailors, they knew its danger; what they did not know was that Jesus could control the forces of nature. We often encounter storms […]
The Bible’s Story is for Everyone
by Glenn Paauw, Senior Direct of Content for the Institute for Bible Reading At the heart of the Gospel is the stunning realization that God is creating a new worldwide family through Jesus. The First Testament is the story of Israel – the Family of Abraham. God launches his project to restore the world by […]
What Is Your Story?
Our lives are filled with moments. Moments of joy. Moments of sadness. Moments of agony. Moments of exhilaration. Moments when life is mundane, and sweet moments of simplicity and rest. All these moments are integral to our individual stories. Stories that intersect and diverge from others. Stories that have peaks and valleys. A story of […]
Unlikely Heroes
Judges Book Introduction from the Life Application Study Bible, 3rd Edition Real Heroes are hard to find these days, thanks in large part to social media, which has made the foibles and weaknesses of our leaders all too apparent. We search in vain for men and women to emulate. The music, movie, and sports industries […]