Radical Lifestyle Change

For Jesus’ disciples following him meant leaving everything else behind. We don’t know a lot about their personal lives and what they left behind, but what we do know is they had to leave it all behind and make a radical lifestyle change to follow Him. Read these passages from Luke and then the Exploration […]

Humble Prayers

God calls us to humble ourselves before Him and this includes when we come to Him in prayer. Read from the Thrive Journaling Devotional Bible for Women about finding the courage to humble ourselves and pray. “Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn […]

Reader Question: Is there a difference between being born again and being saved?

We received another excellent question on our Facebook page and wanted to share it with you.  This question was about the difference between being born again and being saved. Mark D. Taylor, CEO of Tyndale House Publishers and Director and Chief Stylist for the New Living Translation Bible Translation Committee, agreed to share his thoughts […]

Meet the New Believers Bible

Becoming a Christian is a glorious thing. Figuring out what being a Christian means in everyday life can be a bit daunting. There are new ideas to absorb, a whole new vocabulary to learn, and then there’s the Bible. It’s not in chronological order, and more than a little of it can seem just plain […]

Journaling Under the Bridge

Tyndale House Publishers had the opportunity to partner with a Texas bookstore called Flint Gypsy, which frequently holds Bible-journaling activities, for their Journaling Under the Bridge event in Tyler’s tent city on Saturday. There may be no greater way to share the love of God than to meet tangible needs of those going through hard […]

It’s Ok to Ask Why

Why do I feel so anxious? Why can’t I forgive? Why is my life so difficult?  Often, we get pelted with questions, turmoil and doubt when we feel at our weakest, stressed and overwhelmed. While Jesus cautioned us that we would have many trials and sorrows here on earth, it is encouraging to know that […]

Can We Bless God?

We get so excited when we hear people are getting into God’s Word and wrestling with the text. Recently, we received a question on Facebook about blessing God. We thought others might be interested in the response, so we decided to create a blog post. Our Study Bible and Reference brand manager kindly agreed to […]

Giving God Our Best

It’s amazing how challenges and struggles that the men and women in the Bible faced are often similar to the ones we face today. Though the setting and context can be different, the heart issue is often very much the same. Read  from the Christian Basics Bible about Haggai’s struggle to get the returning exiles to get […]

Why is the 23rd Psalm So Beloved?

Psalm 23 is the best-known psalm and the favorite biblical passage of many. Why? Because it does more than tell us that God protects, guides, and blesses. It shows us a poetic image of a powerless sheep being tended by an unfailingly careful shepherd. In a world of dangerous ditches and ravenous wolves, we need […]

In the King’s Court

New situations are often a challenge. Starting a new job, first day of school or moving around the world, being plucked from what we know and understand can leave us feeling vulnerable and unsettled. Read from the Wayfinding Bible about how Daniel and his friends responded after being forcefully taken from their homes and thrust […]