Prisoners Requesting Life Recovery Bibles In Record Numbers

by Jim Jewell, NLT Communications Director Bible reading is showing an enormous uptick in the most unlikely of places: prisons. To keep their minds sharp and their hearts encouraged, many prisoners turn to reading, but reading materials are often in high demand and low supply, especially personal Bibles. According to a recent survey of prison […]

Psalms of Lament

Taken from the Africa Study Bible A Swahili proverb says, Muvumbo wa kañonyi ye witubula kajo ko aja, meaning, “The beak of the bird is what tells us the things it eats.” In other words, the kind of person that you are is shown by your words. Psalm 77 is a typical psalm of lament. […]

Mary’s Testimony: He Is Risen From the Dead

“After Jesus rose from the dead early on Sunday morning, the first person who saw him was Mary Magdalene, the woman from whom he had cast out seven demons.” Mark 16:9, NLT Devotional from the Dancing in the Desert Devotional Bible In a legal setting, the testimony of a woman was considered unreliable, subject to undue […]

What’s the Greatest Gift for Mom This Mother’s Day?

by Kim Adetunji, Bible Brand Manager You, of course! Your time, your smile, your kindness, a note, a call—or in some circumstances, your apology or forgiveness. That’s probably the absolute best gift you could give this Mother’s Day! If you’re like me, you’re always looking for a meaningful gift to give Mom—so we pulled together […]

What Does It Mean to Be Saved?

Taken from the HelpFinder Bible The scene is played out before us many times every year: A man is dramatically rescued from a swollen river; a child is pulled by firefighters from a burning apartment building; a woman is delivered from a would-be assailant by a brave bystander. Each scenario includes a situation of impending […]

It Doesn’t Take Much

How often do we think “I don’t have the skills to make a difference” or “I don’t have the resources to make it worth it”? Throughout the pages of Scripture we are reminded that it’s often the least likely people who can make the biggest impact, and the same is true today. It’s so exciting […]

How a Monkey Cannon Started a Bible Revolution

When Jeff Hilliard purchased a T-shirt cannon, he thought he would be blasting shirts into crowds at Christian concerts, not leading a mission to get Bibles into the hands of military personnel across the globe. But what Jeff is keenly aware of is when you leave something in God’s hands—even a T-shirt cannon—he will use […]

Finding Jesus in Genesis

Taken from The Wayfinding Bible Before the events in the book of Genesis even begin, Jesus is there. Jesus, the Word, already existed with God before the creation of the world (John 1:1). God created all things through his Son, Jesus. You will catch glimpses of Jesus throughout the book: He is Eve’s promised offspring […]

What If I Make a Mistake?

Taken from the HelpFinder Bible Although burning the breakfast toast is a mistake, it is trivial and leaves no lasting consequences. On the other hand, a doctor who misreads a chart has made a mistake of considerably greater implications. We all make mistakes. Some of our mistakes are innocent—we forget an appointment, we know the […]

Operation Worship Changing Lives in Belize

With the help and support of generous donors Operation Worship was able to give a Bible to every member of the Belize Defense Force. Each had the Belize Military Logo. Find out more about Operation Worship and how you can help share God’s Word with people in the military all over the world.