Living by the Spirit

Note from the Christian Basics Bible

“But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!” Galatians 5:22-23, NLT.

Throughout this letter to the Galatians, Paul has been arguing that trying to obey the Jewish Law only leads to slavery (Galatians 4:8-31). But Christ has set us free (5:1), and the way to maintain that freedom is to “let the Holy Spirit guide [our] lives” (5:16), to be “directed by the Spirit” (5:18), and to “follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives” (5:25). After all, it was the Holy Spirit, not religious rules, that brought us to Christ, and it is he who helps us see God as our “Abba”—our daddy (4:6).

That is why, no matter what experiences of the Spirit we may have had, we all need to “be filled with the Holy Spirit”—literally, to “go on being filled with the Spirit” (Ephesians 5:18). We need to “let the Holy Spirit guide [our] lives” (Galatians 5:16)—that is, to follow his leadings and be filled with his power. As we do, his fruit grows in us—“love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control” (5:22-23). These are not his fruits (plural), but his fruit (singular); it is as if nine different fruits were all found on one tree. All of them (not just those we like or find easy) should be growing in us. No matter how gifted someone is, lack of this fruit is a serious indicator that they are not living by the Spirit.

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8 thoughts on “Living by the Spirit

  1. This is a interesting topic for me as a influencers of the word. Paul has touched on obeying the Jewish law would keep you as a slave. Understanding the fruits as growing on the same tree is such an eye opener learning His fruits singular not plural.

    1. Nine fruits growing from one tree – that means the absence of one does now complete living life in the spirit. We have to be complete, lacking none of the fruits of the spirits so that our accuser will have nothing to accuse us of. Thank you for that narrative of “living by the Spirit.”

  2. Thanks a lot for your concern and desire to bless God’s people all over the world.By the grace of God from the time I was born again the Lord has put a desire in my heart to walk in His ways and obey His word and fulfill His will for my life but I found impossible to come to that life fully.Since Lord Jesus promised the power of the Holy Spirit,He put a desire in my heart to seek for the fullness of the Holy Spirit and He filled me with His Spirit and His longing is to walk in the fullness of the fruit of the Holy Spirit and fulfill His will for my life.Thank you all brothers and sisters for your untried work in the spreading of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
    With gratitude
    Deborah Newton.

  3. Thank God, his word was an eye opener to me. I pray that I’ll be more sensitive to his word, as well as people all around the world Leaders and all we will humble ourself at his word and let God work in us.
    Thanks great leason

  4. Hi Y’all,

    Blessings to you and yours, especially during this extremely trying and anxious time. I pray that the Lord gives to the world all that it needs to come together, overcome, and conquer.

    Question, what are the small, concrete steps we can implement to begin letting the Holy Spirit lead us?


  5. Understand the truth that the same Spirit that rose Jesus from the death lives in us and it is by that Power that our lives must be directed. Concrete steps would be spending time with God through prayer, the word and worship. Then ask the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you in which ever area you desire and then SURRENDER and be OBEDIENT to the directions of the Spirit.

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