Comments on: Was Mary, Jesus’ Mother, Ever Afraid? Just another STANDALONE WPMU2 Sites site Wed, 08 Dec 2021 09:21:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Evie Polsley Tue, 31 Dec 2019 15:03:02 +0000 In reply to Abigail.

Love how God gives us what we need when we need it. Thanks for sharing!

By: Abigail Wed, 18 Dec 2019 23:57:22 +0000 I would argue that Mary was overwhelmed- anyone would be given the task of raising the child who would save to the world.
When God called Moses to lead his people out of Egypt, he was afraid.
I suppose the person God would choose to raise the Messiah would have to be a pretty good person. Or at least willing to hear God’s plans.
Luke 1:29 tells us that Mary was confused and disturbed.
It is natural for people to be afraid- but God gives us the strength to overcome our fears- love cast out fear.
Mary was probably afraid sometimes but she would have known that God was with her in this- sending an angel to tell her her message, sending Elizabeth who believed her, giving prophecies telling of this- like Isaiah 7 and Micah 5.
He protected her from being found guilty from having a child before marriage and sent an understanding husband- Joseph.
God would have given her courage when she needed it.

By: Joy Sat, 07 Dec 2019 11:01:51 +0000 Great… thanks

By: Moloto Solomon Fri, 06 Dec 2019 20:19:40 +0000 Thank you very much, this is very helpful and encouraging. I must be like Mary, my answers to God’s will. Amen.

By: Carla Charles Fri, 06 Dec 2019 17:22:26 +0000 I know Mary is the Mother of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

By: Carla Charles Fri, 06 Dec 2019 17:19:57 +0000 I know No Mary is the Virgin mother of Jesus.
I enjoy working in the church.
