Comments on: Journaling Under the Bridge Just another STANDALONE WPMU2 Sites site Wed, 08 Dec 2021 09:22:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Evie Polsley Thu, 08 Nov 2018 16:30:48 +0000 In reply to Mitchell Raymond A.

Thank you for reaching out! We are excited about the HelpFinder Bible too. The link we sent is only a portion of the HelpFinder Bible index. Currently we do not have this Bible in the app space but I have passed your request on to the brand manager. You can purchase this Bible at most places you purchase Bibles such as local Christian bookstores, CBD, Amazon, and more. Here is a link to the HelpFinder Bible website where you can see where it’s sold and get additional information.

By: Mitchell Raymond A Thu, 08 Nov 2018 11:50:40 +0000 e in Christ, Vicky & Ray Mitchell]]> Ha Tyndale Family,
Greetings in Jesus name!
Just a quick note. I wanted to know how I can get a copy, or download the app for that New “HELP FINDERS BIBLE!” I received your email message, and I tried to find the App; directly download it to my devices. But couldn’t find a way to make it happen! I must say, this particular Bible, will be an added bonus to anyone’s teaching tool, on giving inspirational instruction, on what it take to become a true Christian!??

The only thing I have been able to do with this App; is to view the (60) pages of the outline. I have to be truthful with you, I don’t read all the way to the end of your (60) page outline as yet, and that could be the key ordering this Bible, and that could be the issue! My excitement about this particular Bible, it so exciting to me. Thank you in advance, for making this tool available first to me, and the general public! I love it ? and I haven’t looked totally through it as yet!

Hope you don’t mind, I am sooo excited right now! Here is a little background on who I am. In a nutshell :

1. I am a retired Vietnam Disabled Veteran, (23)yrs. USAF/Navy
2. I am an Ordained Minister, since 1988
3. I have a Bachelors in Theology/Masters in Religious ED. 1990
4. Married w/eight kids (all are college grad’s, & professionals (1) is a minister like me, and we have (14) grand kids. (So proud of all of them!)
5. My wife and I are both retired (regular work) we minister to others,
and we help veterans obtain their VA Benefits.

I think that about sums it all up for now. I love teaching the Bible, and what it means to me. So I think this new Bible you’re offering will be a asset to what I love doing!

Thank you ?? Jesus, and God bless you all, And Tyndale too ??

Lo❤️e in Christ,

Vicky & Ray Mitchell
