Robert Lewis
Robert Lewis is pastor-at-large for Fellowship Bible Church in Little Rock, Arkansas, where he served as the directional leader for more than 20 years. He is also chairman of the board of Fellowship Associates, a church consulting and leadership training organization, and executive director of Global Reach, a research and resource organization.
After graduating from the University of Arkansas in 1971 with a degree in management, Robert went on to obtain both an M.A. in New Testament Greek and an M.Div. degree from Western Seminary in Portland, Oregon, in 1977, and a doctor of ministry degree from Talbot Theological Seminary in La Mirada, California, in 1985.
Robert is passionate about helping men discover the biblical principles of authentic manhood. He founded and developed Men's Fraternity in 1990, and today this significant ministry is reaching men worldwide in churches, on college campuses, in corporate boardrooms, and in prison cellblocks via his three one-year video curriculum series: Quest for Authentic Manhood, Winning at Work and Home, and The Great Adventure (all published by LifeWay). In response to great demand, Robert developed the feminine counterpart to Men's Fraternity in 2003, The New Eve: 5 Guiding Lights to Authentic Womanhood in the 21st Century.
Robert was awarded Pastor of the Year in 2001 by the National Coalition of Men's Ministry, headed by Patrick Morley.
He has authored a number of publications, including Raising a Modern-Day Knight (Focus on the Family), Raising a Modern-Day Knight Video Training Series with Dennis Rainey (SonLight Productions), Rocking the Roles: Building a Win-Win Marriage (NavPress), Real Family Values (Multnomah Press), and The Church of Irresistible Influence (Zondervan). Robert's most recent book is Culture Shift: Transforming Your Church from the Inside Out, published by Jossey-Bass. He is also a contributing author to Building Strong Families, edited by Dennis Rainey, and Faith Factor in Fatherhood, edited by Don Eberly. Robert has been featured on radio programs such as FamilyLife Today and Focus on the Family and in a number of magazines, including Leadership, Real Man, and Stand Firm.
Married since 1971, Robert and Sherard Lewis reside in Little Rock and have four children.