Back to Basics

By Kevin O’Brien, Brand Manager The world goes by at a million miles per hour, and it seems to get faster and become more complicated at every turn. It’s quite easy to get distracted, disgruntled, and even disillusioned. We chase so hard after the things we think we are supposed to pursue—success, respect, love, money, […]

Can Immerse Help You Keep Your New Years Resolution?

by Alex Goodwin Reading the Bible more is one of the most common resolutions for Christians heading into 2019. But statistics show that 80% of new year’s resolutions fail by mid-February. Maybe this has been your experience. You find a new reading plan, you try harder. But by springtime, that same feeling of guilt and […]

Make a Habit of Talking About the Lord

Taken from the New Believer’s Bible “Then those who feared the Lord spoke with each other, and the Lord listened to what they said. In his presence, a scroll of remembrance was written to record the names of those who feared him and always thought about the honor of his name.” Malachi 3:16, NLT Some people assume that holy and sacred […]

From Thunder to Love

Article from the Every Man’s Bible TODAY WE KNOW JOHN as “the apostle of love,” but he didn’t start out that way. Had he not allowed Christ to soften his personality and temperament, history might have remembered him in a very different light. Whenever the Gospels mention John, they usually tie him to his brother, James. […]

Reminders of God’s Faithfulness

by Kim Adetunji, brand manager Did you or someone you know receive a journaling Bible for Christmas? You may be excited to get started but aren’t exactly sure how. Or maybe you are afraid to mess up. Sometimes all the extra space in the wide margins can be intimidating. Where do you start? How will […]

God Makes the Ordinary Extraordinary

Sometimes we feel that we are too ordinary for God to use for his purposes. Throughout the Bible we see God using everyday, ordinary objects in extraordinary ways. Check out this list from the Hands-On Bible of common items God used in the Bible for his glory then imagine what he can do with your life. […]

One Year, One Book—One Exciting Journey

by Kim Adetunji, brand manager As the year winds down and a new year is on the horizon, many people begin reflecting on the previous year and making plans for the new one. Our thoughts may return to the highlights and lowlights of the year we are in as well as remembering God’s faithfulness and […]

Going beyond Genetics—Leaving a Legacy of Faith

A recent popular trend is ancestry kits. People want to know their heritage—where they came from and who they are. Throughout the Bible we see the importance of lineage. Slugging through those difficult names can seem like a burden, but the point is that each of those names has a story. It is a lineage […]

The Word Became Human

Article from the Swindoll Study Bible Read John 1:1-18 THE SON OF GOD, as “very God” (to quote the Nicene Creed), arrived on this earth as a man. He came to the mountains He created. He faced the rivers with their rushing currents. He crossed the valleys. He gazed upon the sea. He walked beneath the […]

Joseph’s Quandary

“Joseph, to whom she was engaged, was a righteous man and did not want to disgrace her publicly, so he decided to break the engagement quietly.” Matthew 1:19, NLT We aren’t given many details about Joseph, but we can draw a prettyaccurate portrait from what we do know. He was a “good man” and betrothed to […]