Word Study in the New Living Translation: κοιμάω (koimaō)
by Mark D. Taylor, NLT Bible Translation Committee Greek: κοιμάω (koimaō) English: fall asleep; die The verb koimaō is used eighteen times in the New Testament. The literal meaning of the word is “to fall asleep.” An example of this usage is found in Luke 22:45, where Jesus is praying in the Garden of Gethsemane: […]
My Story: Personally Talking to Jesus
“I use NLT in my personal Bible Study and I give the NLT Daily Bible to everyone, including people who have never read the Bible. I am 80 years old and I love Jesus talking to me personally instead of KJV which I grew up with and forced myself to read.” Barb, New Living Translation […]
Word Study in the New Living Translation: κύριος (kyrios)
by Mark D. Taylor, NLT Bible Translation Committee Greek: κύριος (kyrios)English: master, sir, Lord, Lord The word kyrios is used more than 700 times in the New Testament. In the ancient Greek world, kyrios was used to describe a master or a slave owner or a ruler. We see this meaning reflected in Matthew 10:24-25, […]
Why I Switched to the New Living Translation
by Pastor Allen Colemen This was first published on allencoleman.com. We are thankful to Pastor Allen for letting us share his story here. After fifteen years of utilizing the English Standard Version (ESV), I have begun using the New Living Translation (NLT) in my public ministry. Why the switch now? As I’ve gotten older, my […]
Word Studies in the New Living Translation: εὐαγγέλιον (euangelion), εὐαγγελίζω (euangelizō)
Greek: εὐαγγέλιον (euangelion)English: good news; gospel Greek: εὐαγγελίζω (euangelizō)English: preach (or tell) the good news; preach (or tell) the gospel by Mark D. Taylor, NLT Bible Translation Committee The noun euangelion means, quite literally, “good news.” In the Greco-Roman world this term was used to describe or announce an event of significance, like the rise […]
Word Studies in the New Living Translation: ἱλαστήριον hilasterion
Each month we will be led in a word study by a member of the Bible Translation Committee for the New Living Translation (NLT) or by a member of our Bible editorial team. We hope you will join us on this educational adventure. This month we are learning about: Greek: ἱλαστήριον (hilastērion) English: the cover […]
Meet Our Podcast Partners at Apollos Watered
We are excited to partner with the Apollos Watered podcast. Hear from Kevin O’Brien, chief strategy officer and executive editor for Apollos Watered, on why they agree with us that Understanding the Bible Changes Everything. By Kevin O’Brien, Chief Strategy Officer and Executive Editor, Apollos Watered We are Bible people. Well, we claim we are. […]
New Living Translation Principle 4: Transformation
Transformation and life change are meaningful results of reading the New Living Translation. Bible translation is not solely an exercise in literary proficiency. It’s about helping readers become powerfully and personally connected to God’s message and his grand plan to transform their hearts and impact their lives. When you truly understand what the Bible is […]
New Living Translation Principle 3: Understanding
The New Living Translation is built for understanding. In fact, the central benefit of the NLT is how uniquely easy it is to understand. People who read it, get it. This understanding is not because the text of the New Living Translation is simplistic or elementary. Rather, the NLT is well-written—and just like any other […]
New Living Translation Principle 2: Connection
Reading the Bible is one of the most important things you will do this year—or any year. Reading God’s Word can be inspiring, instructive, and encouraging. Most of all, it is a means to connecting with God and his power to change your life. But frankly, if you can’t understand what you’re reading, your Bible […]